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Keeping Children Healthy

     Children come to this Earth from the infinite universe,ans childhood is a stage in their return journey to infinity. Hwalt and place,joy and adventure,andwonder and marvel are all natural states for children. Health is much more than freedom from illness. It includes continual growth,flexible change,and joyful adaptation tothe ever changing world.
     It is the natural outcome of a way of life in harmony with the cycles of nature. When children are healthy,they enjoy the following atributes :




      While it is important for families to eat together,it is equally important that the meals they share consist of good quality foods. If not the family will eventually experience physical and mental disorders,and ultimate decompocition. To secure the long term health and well being of the entire family,we recommend basing the family’s daily diet around such natural and traditional foods as whole cereal grains,fresh local vegetables,beans and bean products,and other complex carbohydrates.
      We recommend that all members of the family eat a macrobiotic diet. However,the general suggestions that follow are not meant to be used rigdly or interpreted dogmatically. Everyone has different needs based on factors such as age,sex,type of activity,physical constitution,present condition,and other characteristhics. Your children’s dietary needs are especially different from your own. For example,you need to pay careful attention to the ammont af salt that your children use.
      Adulst can generally ude a larger but not excessive volume,while it is better for babies and small children to avoid salt entirely,at least during the first year or so. The seasonings and condimens that are recommended for moderate daily use can be introduced gradually as children grow.
     Our diets also need to be adjusted in responses to the changing conditions in the environment,such as variation in season and climate. General recoomendations for modifying the sstandart macrobiotic way of eating to suit particular environments are included in our other books listed in the Recommende Reading List. These bools are also recommended for futher study.

Figure 1.1 The Standart Macrobotic Diet 

 Plus Supplementary Foods :

fish and seafood                

<~ beverages 

seasonal fruits



condiments and seasoning 


      We recommend that cooked whole grain cereals comprise at least half (50%) of every meal. Whole grains are grainsthat are eaten intact that is,none of the edible portions of the grains (the bran,germ.and endosperm) have been removed.

Tabel 1.1 Whole Grains and Grain Product

For Regular Use
Whole barley
Whole broen rice (short grain)
Whole brown rice (medium grain)
Whole corn
Whole millet
Whole oats
Whole rye
Whole wheat
Other whole cereal grains



 About one quarter (25-30%) of each meal my include vegetables prepared in a variety of ways,including steaming,bolling,and pressure cooking. Vegetables consummend as part of the macrobiotic diet should be organic,locally grown,and eaten in the season in which they were grown. Your meals can offer a variety of colors,tastes,and texture if u include many different kinds of vegetables.


 One on two cups or small bowels of soup may be included daily. We recommend seasoning soups with moderate amount of miso,tamari soy sauce,or sea salt,so that they taste neither to salty nor too bland.


 Along with,selecting and preparing the riht foods,families can eat together as often as possible,at least once a day. The following recommendations can help you and your family develop good eating habits.
a. chew foods thoroughly
b. eat only when hungry
c. eat in an orderly manner
d. leave the table when you feel satisfied do not wait until you are full
e. drink comfortably but not excessively
f.  for optimum health,it is best for adutlts to avoid eating there hours before sleeping




     “Euthanasia” literally means “easy or gentle death” but over recent years the meaning has changed and today it is most commonly associated with the idea of “mercy killing” or intentionally ending a person’s life by some deliberate act.”Voluntary” euthanasia implies that the patient gives his consent and this is sometimes thougt of as “suicide by proxy”.
“Compulsory” euthanasia is when the patient does not or cannot give his consent. Euthanasia is also further divided inti “active” or “passive”:”passive euthanasia is when is person is “allowed” to die peacefully by withdrawal of treatment. Active euthanasia complies the action of intentionally ending a person’s life by the instigation of treatment.
     Euthanasia involves the taking of innocent human life and because of this cannot be entertained lightly. Why we do entertain such an idea must have some basis of humanity and compassion;perhaps our aims are :
1.the relief of suffering
2.the sanctity or quality of human life
3.the ‘right’ of an individual to determine the mine and place of his own death.
     The aims that idealistically are proposed for euthanasia seem to be in conflict with each other and would a Voluntary Euthanasia Bill,such as the proposed by Lord Raglan in yhe House of Lords,be difficult to administer and to prevent abuse of. Lord Raglan’s proposal were two fold :
1.that an adult should be able to sign a declaration in advance to the effect that,if he is considered by the doctor to be dying,no recuscitory techniques should be used to prolong his life or to restore him to consciousness.
2.if a patient was,in the opinion of the doctor,in a “hopeless condition”,the declaration (signed prioly) demands that the doctor kill the patient.
Someone who is in severe pain of under heavy sedetation cannont be considered mentally capable of drawing up such a legal document,even of the person of otherwise legally sane. There are many occasions when a patient who is depressed or in pain may say “I wish it should all end”,yet when the pain has eased will change his mind,althouht his condition medically has not improved.

     When considering the possible result of euthanasia,the patien's relatives,the general community and the health team must be considered. Relatives frequently have guilt feelings about the care of a loved one and what remorse they may suffer from agreeing to an act of mercy killing still has to be disvocered. If the diagnosis is resoundingly correct and blrak probably they will feel that theirs was rhe correct decision,but perhaps there could be a feeling thar the diagnosis might just have been wrong.
     In conclusion it is possible to appreciate the diffulties of the proponents of euthanasia,the snarls and contradictions in its definition;the many facets all linked by a common name yet so completely different. Some of these facets are common practice (withdrawal of treatment),some doubtlessly do occur with tacit consent (overdosing terminal cancer patients with morphine),yet in spite of this,”active” voluntary euthanasia is not generally
Legally the problems of “active” euthanasia are huge and the long term effects on society,patient care and the health team are very much unknown.
Finally why has euthanasia become an issue at all,what are we doing wrong that there should be a demand for mercy killing? Sadly,it must be because our anthusiastic application of modern resuscitation techniques to “all and sundry” has left us a legacy of long term terminal patients who have little or no suppertive therapy. Our mentality seems unable to allow a person to die with digtnty immolated by unneceassary inter ference. Hopefully,in the future,a discipline will evolve that has the understanding and compassion to care for these people and their families,so that euthanasia will again mean an “easy or gentle death”.



     The assumption that man is steadily becoming healthier,that his afflictions are succumbing with increasing ease to man's indicates that society is becoming sicker. Accident trauma kills and maims more than any recent war,violence and suicee claim more lives and the chronic diseases :
1. heart diseases
2. cancer
3. chronic bronchitis,etc.
Strike down the ever growing over 30 population group. If these are the malignant twentieth century conditions the benign groups includes psychotomatic illness and social structural iatrogenesis as described.
     The three components of this relationship are as follows :
1.Self Care Agency : the capacity of the patiens (for lack of a better them) to engage in health related actions for self.
2.Therapeutic Self Care Demand : a representional element which consists of :
a.a summation of work to be done,action to be taken
b.a standar for assessment of the adequacy of self care agency at any point in time
c.a standart for deliberate change in the self care agency.
3. Profesional Agency : a regulating function : perception and interpretation from patient,doctor and the environment of both. Intiation and maintenance of a set of assisting actions which comoensate for the deficit between 1 and 2.
     The comfortable role of dependence allows people to exhibit their anxieties in socially approved ways to a professional as psycho psychologic illness. Hence more than 50% of all doctor concultasions are in this anacritic framework. For the rest “doctor can do relatively little about many conditions which contribute to a large quota of sickness and death”. The main ones are :
1.ACCIDENTS (first ranked cause of death Among Australians for all ages under 35 –in fact they account for appromately 65 %).
It is times doctors and all profesionalis realized that these are areas of individual action and autonomy and short of a repressive society will never be solved ‘from above’ – whatever the shophiscation such paternalism might be cloaked with.
      This I belive is the true level of primary helth care a recognition that healing is first and foremost a natural,innate capacity in which medical intervention at worst is meddlesome,and at best acts as adjuvant and not the primary force. In this scheme the individual takes primary responbility for his general welfare.
 However ,groups unaccustomed to responbility to intiation classically prefer to remain that way. In mental hospital patients,the Queequeq syndrome describes people who,having come to expect a life of recidivism,come to experience just that. They are amenable,passive,melancholy patiens who on recovering from their first hospital admission are convinced that life is now different for them. People who are shown their innate qualities and strengths and power can be helped to break out develop more cpnfortable roles. This syndrome acts against all discriminated groups : poor,coloured,criminals,addicts. The poor in particular are widely convinced of their inability to influence their own lives,let alone the workings of society and they adapt to that belief. Even those familiar with the process the sequence prevails :
2.Dependence disallowed
3.Hostility toward therapist/doctor/’unwiling’ authority figure
4.Self leadership



     Over the decades there have been numerous attempts to define the term “health”. Perhaps the most common has been the negative definition,”the afsence of disease”. Yet health is cleary more than that. In the 5th century B.C. pericles defined healt as the state of moral,mental and physical weel being which enables aperson to face any crisis in life with utmost gracen facility. In the “magic bullet”(1976) boyden and Diesendrof defined optimal health as that physiological and mental state most likely to ensure the survival of the individual in the natural or evolutionary environment of the species.

The Evolutionary Background
      The human species,homo sapiens,evolved tens of thousands of years ago as hunter-gatherers in a primitive environment very different from modern urban civilization. Gradually man developed agriculture and domesticated animals,and for another ten thousand years his environment changed very little. Even until the 19th century the majority of the population still lived rural life. Today in the 20th century however,as industrialization and urbanization increase,major environmental changes are occurring whitin each of our own lifetimes at a rate unprecendented in history. Never before has man been faced with the need to adapt so quickly to such an exponentially changing environment.
      In 1972 Stephen Boyden proposed the Principle of Phylogenetic Maladjustment as a corollary to the Darwinian Theory of Evolution. He suggested that a species shows physiological and behavioural signs of maladjustment when the environmental conditions in which it lives have deviated from those which prevailed when the species evolved. This particurally applies to man,for the rapid rate of social,cultural,chemical and physical maladjustment is evidenced by the dramatic rise in the so called “diseases of modern civilization”.
 So far,however,the human species has not become extinct,because man has at his disposal a set of cultural mechanisms adapting to environmental change. Merely treaning symptoms and neglecting the underlying environmental disorder allows further degeneration of conditions,and set up a self perpetuating cycle of snowballing deterioration of both health and environment. And yet these same antidotes are the basis of modern medicine.

Insidius Maladjusment
      Another important cultural phenomenon contribitong to the survival and prolifelation of the human species in the face of extensive environmental change is that of pseudoadaption ,in which considerable levels of maladjustment may persist in a population whitout significantly interfering with survivar or reproductive success. In this way modern civilization provides biological protection for and individual in ill health and for his off spring.

Historycal Facts
 From the pre-industrial era until today,the changing patterns of mortality and morbidity inthe commnunity reflect changes in the quality and quality of living,and are a strong indication of the signs of biological maladjustment in western technological man. in the hunter-gathere era,probably the main factors contributing to ill health and death were attacks by predators,hunting wounds and subsequent infection. With poor urban living conditions after the industrial revolution,epidemics of infectious diseases became the major causes of ill health. These resulted in eitjer death or complete recovery and the sequalae of chronic illness or disability were relatively infrequent.
     Since the turn of the century illness patterns have changed considerably,and today thet are of three main types. First,there are the irreversible chronic diseases,such as heart disease,cerebrovascular disorder,chronic bronchitis,obesity,arthritis,chronic aloholism and pyschiatric illness,for which medical managemen is at nest supportive ratjer than curative.

Who Will Provide health Education?
     Responbility tiwards one's own health will be brougth about not by legislation but by education. The W.H.O. definition of "health education" is "to help people achieve health by their own efforts aiming to develo a sense of responbility for their own health betterment as individuals,and as members of families,communities and goverments". Greater goverment utilisation of the mass media for health education and support for community groups such as Weight Watchhers will do much to enciurage an attitude of self help. However health education is most succesfull when directe at the level of the individual.
     Health education at the personal and family level should be the responsibility of every doctor,and as much a part of his clinical approach as diagnosis and treatment. The family G.P. has a particulary important role to play in this regard. He has the privilege of being welcome in the homes of his patiens and thus is able o gain insight into their mode of living and perhaps seek out potential problems.